Monday, September 17, 2012

Get Prickly with Project Angel Faces Wednesday, September 19, 2012 at the Whitney Recreation Center

Guest Post by Rhonda Killough, Founder of Project Angel Faces

Come have fun with us at Garden Club as we learn how to clean, eat, juice, and store cactus fruit!

RSVP on Facebook
At Garden Club, on September 19th, we'll be peeling, seeding, juicing, and freezing cactus fruit with apples and grapes to make popsicles, and drinking juice. 

GC Prickly Pear Cactus
Prickly Pears grow wild in abundance on cactus throughout our valley. They have loads of good nutrition that can help to prevent conditions such as osteoporosis, diabetes, high blood pressure, anxiety, and migraines. They also strengthen teeth, bones, our immune system, our nerve, enzyme, and amino acid functions, and help keep our fluid and electrolytes balanced. They taste like the color red, tart, mildly sweet, and with the texture similar to a pear.

Garden Club is such a wonderful program because the children get so excited to learn about new foods, they can hardly contain themselves. The activities we do are empowering to these kids; working with the foods, trusting the children to get their hands on the process of learning.

We get to practice learning so much more than just about working with food: patience, listening, sharing, respect for peers and teachers, non-violent communication, and sometimes cultural exploration!

It creates a lasting impression on them, and that is empowering for me as a community servant. My favorite part is how much they love learning how these foods we introduce build and grow their bodies, and make them stronger. They love being empowered by knowledge, and having so much fun in the process! 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012 from 4:15pm - 5:45pm Project Angel Faces will teach the cleaning, paring, juicing, and learning the nutrition of a locally abundant fruit, Prickly Pear!

Children over 5 are Welcome!
Garden Club at the 
Whitney Recreation Center

Click Photo for Directions
  Always an adventure in learning! 

Garden Club Checklist ~ Please Bring:

Metal tongs
Nitrile Gloves

 And Wear Clothes you can get Dirty!


Guest Post by Rhonda Killough, Founder of
Layout & Edit by Kathleen Ackroyd of 'That Dam Kat' 

Need more information? Contact Rhonda Killough via email: or Visit the Event on Facebook 

Can't make it?  
LIVE from the 
Whitney Recreation Center

"We cultivate Hope for the Future."

Sunday, September 16, 2012

"Love Your Library? Tell a Friend!" LVCCLD teams up with CSI: The Experience

September is Library Card 
Sign Up Month!

Earn a Family Pack of Tickets to CSI: The Experience!
 Visit for Details
Sign up for your free Las Vegas Clark County Library District Card at the following locations:

View Larger Map
Find them on Facebook

Thursday, September 13, 2012

CSN's IT Training & Development Fair Saturday, September 15 10:00am-3:00pm

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Baptized on Merovingian Ground

My Oma, were she alive today, would be 93. She was born nine months and some odd days after Armistice Day or what we know as Veterans Day. When Mom told me that she had been Baptized in the historical Frankfurt Cathedral; I just had to know more.
Helen Mayenfels (1919-1999)

Frankfurt Dom Abend
"Treaty To Be Ratified By Wilson" shouted the Oakland Tribune headline on September 7, 1919. Approximately six weeks after her birth, Oma did some shouting of her own.

Oma was Baptized in the Frankfurter Dom. The official name is Kaiserdom Sankt Bartholomäus; Emperor Cathedral of Saint Bartholomew.  "St. Bartholomew's is the main church of Frankfurt and was constructed in the 14th and 15th centuries on the foundation of an earlier church from the Merovingian time."

Much ado is recently made by conspiracy theorists about Satanic and political bloodlines and popular focus is also garnered by Dan Brown's books.

The Main Divisions of the Frankish Kingdoms under the Merovingian Kings.

But "Merovingian society...was clearly a Christian society..., and one cannot ignore the vital and central part that was played by Christianity in its cultural life (Hen). Dark Age Christianity echoes still barbaric bloodshed in stories of quests for World Domination.

Frankfurt Dom Querschiff
Oma, as Family Lore goes, "...hat die ganzen Kirche ausgebrult." In English, and not a literal translation, screamed her head off [at her Baptism.] Did Oma, as a new Soul, know what type of ground she was being Baptized upon? Or was it more the 'in the air buzz' of  The Red Scare and Hitler's eminent rise to power?

The Germany my Family was raised in, is one I can scarcely imagine. Harder still is extracting bits and pieces of Oral Family History. Scars of suppression, depression, bombings and annihilation show not only in the German landscape. These scars, they show in my Family's soul.

The Merovingians by Professor Robert Sewell

Frankfurt Cathedral and Photos Wikipedia and Wikimedia

 Would you like to know more about your Family History? 
Contact Bob Nix on Facebook and be sure to visit his shop   House of Names

Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Flower: An Introduction to Tasha

Introducing New Author from Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri

The Flower: by me, Tasha

This is a personal poem I wrote, about the boy breaking down my walls. 
The Flower leans and stretches,
searching for the light.
Wanting the world to see her.
Wishing to feel the warmth.
The Flower is strong and fighting,
pushing through the dark.
She knows it exists outside,
she’s been told its worth the wait.
The Flower begins to wilt.
The weight of the sadness
is growing all around her.
Slowly she begins to loose petals,
she looses her beauty and light.
The Flower almost dead,
begins to drop her seeds.
She wishes the world be kind 
to her secret in the dark.
Just as the last petal falls,
a boy lets in the light
and finds her secret hiding;
The mass of Flowers
reaching up for him.

Geothermal Investment

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Come Hell or High Water

Perpetual Andragogy has taken a different turn. I always knew it would. I will expound later. But in the meantime, I will leave You with my Sunday Prayer of Thanks, on this, July 15, 2012.

Sunday, July 15 2012 ~ Fingernail Moon ~ Stars Coming into Alignment ~ Missouri ~  Our United States of America

Praise of Wisdom By Solomon ~ Introduction [The New American Bible, Saint Joseph Edition, Page 755, Catholic Book Publishing Company copyright 1980 - 1970, New York, New York, United States of America]

22  Now what Wisdom is, and how she came to be, I shall relate' and I shall hide no secrets from you, But from the very beginning I shall search out and bring to light Knowledge of her, nor shall I diverge from the truth.

23  Neither shall I admit consuming jealosy to my company, because that can have no fellowhip with Wisdom.

24  A great number of Wise men is the safety of the world and a prudent King, the stability of his people.

25  So take instruction from my words, to your profit.

I smoke your ciggarette, mostly because I want to remember the taste; impress it upon one of my God given senses.

Just as the exhalation of my Mother's Benson & Hedges, the smell, the taste; it resonates and remembers the race, in our 71 and a half Ford Gran Torino; (351 Windsor, not Cleveland) me to Girl Scouts, and her to work. The exhalation said "Breathe."

Ashes land on her black work pants. From a perfect and beautifully made-up face; from her lips she blows, does not rub, the ashes.

Blonde hair glistening, green eyes shimmering; she gives me a smile with her left upraised eyebrow. This, in one look told me: "Do as I say, not as I do." And I knew this would benefit me, somehow, in my future.

Everything, and I do mean everything, my parents taught me, I remember. I've also transferred this knowledge to 'my kids', none bilogical, all variant in age.

The Love ~ Oh The LOVE ~ This is what I carry with me every day!

"Come Hell or High Water" I would hear, even in conspicous absence, work, obligation or Service to Country, I knew, I always have known and will always know the Love!

This is what I have tried, and Oh, I Thank You Lord, succeeded in.

You see, every Child that I have been afforded the opportunity to influence, Oh Lord, Every One, EACH in His or Her Own way is so SO BEAUTIFUL!

I Thank You Parents. You did not really know me, yet somehow, you did.

You left your Children in my care as you went to work or play. And you knew your kids were safe. Such an awesome responsibility. Such an affirmation of my place on God's Green Earth.

And with Your Children, I reinforced Your Songs, Your Beliefs and added a little of mine.

Now, in this, the Autumn of my life, I am so very Blessed; Dear Lord, so Blessed!

Every Child and Child's Child: EACH and EVERY ONE:  creative, intelligent, (in his or her own way) insightful, caring, and loving. The older ones, they go to work on time and do not miss!

They sing, they dance, and they remember me. Can you belive it? Me?

They remember the stories I'd told them, both good and bad and Lord, O Lord, these kids are tough and resiliant!

They're passionate, at times overly so, but that's OK, because, guess what? In the end THEY LOVE!

I am so very Blessed. Thank You Lord. Thank You Parents.

With All My Heart,
Kathleen 'Krazy Aunt Kat' Ackroyd
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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Perpetual Andragogy Back from Hiatus

No, I did not fall off of the face of the Earth! That's impossible! For Proof, check out Lippershey, Schmippersey - I Failed Astronomy! (Funny now, not so much then)
I did take some time off though. I was, well frankly, overwhelmed! More on that later. In the meantime, I have the videos up on the Perpetual Andragogy YouTube Channel and also, catch me on Twitter @perpetualgogy. I've been using these hastags: #UNLV #ENG235 #ENG298 #ART160 #Andragogy

For those of you that don't know, I'm a Junior at UNLV. I finally decided on an English major with a German minor. Now, from what I've researched and heard, double majors are best. That's all fine and good, but I'd really like to get my Degrees before I croak!

If you can, be sure and join us for this year's Walk with the Heart of a Child. The updated video and link to our page on is on the 'Can I be of Service Page' just click on the Alpha Xi Beta thumbnail in the top right corner.

Classes for Spring 2012 are English 298 - Writing about Literature, German 113 - Elementary German I, English 235 - Survey of British Literature, and Art 160 - Art Appreciation DE (Distance Education). I know what you're thinking, "I thought you said you were a Junior?" Yes, I am, but these are required courses. More on that later also.