Showing posts with label Independent Studies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Independent Studies. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I've Got a Golden Ticket

Well, not really. However, the nice young lady at the RebelCard office told me that, amongst other things, my RebelCard (UNLV Student ID) grants me a free ticket to UNLV sporting events. Free! Wow, what event do I want to go to first and how does the UNLV fight song go again? But, I'm getting ahead of myself.

I had spent the previous night making sure that I had all my paperwork together for my required meeting with my Academic Advisor. I had checked and re-checked my student account, activated my RebelMail, made copies of immunization records,
"...going to college and taking the classes isn't the hard part, the paperwork is."
class schedules for two colleges, put the finishing touches on my Department of English Degree Requirement Evaluation Sheet and highlighted Building number 34 on an 89 numbered building map. You know, going to college and taking the classes isn't the hard part, the paperwork is.

I wasn't too worried about getting there, it's an under half-hour commute through city traffic, until I woke up to this.

I know, I know, some of you are laughing and saying "Aw, that's nothing" but you don't know Vegas drivers! Hot & Sunnythe Las Vegas weather motto, has spoiled us. More thought and expense goes into car air conditioning than serviceable wiper blades. I allowed an extra twenty minutes for the drive and extracted a warm winter coat with a hood from a forgotten corner in my closet. 

Traffic wasn't too bad. I only saw one fender bender and drivers were more cautious than annoying. I easily found metered parking with a two-hour limit right across from the bookstore. I knew parking wouldn't be this easy for long.

Now, to get my bearings.

 I guess the print is so small because the campus is so big!

Found it!

The Office was void of traffic and I got in early. "You have been admitted under Liberal-Arts General, but we can't make that your major" my Advisor told me. I showed her my Degree Worksheet with the English Major/German Minor and asked about the second fine arts requirement.

NSHE (Nevada System of Higher Education) requires three credit hours of fine arts. COLA (College of Liberal Arts) requires an additional three for its program. I found myself wondering if I could sandwich a Pilates class in between lectures to give my mind time to 'digest'.

The meeting only lasted about twenty minutes. I was given advice on summer sessions; three terms, the first being only five weeks, where to obtain my RebelCard, and how to find the online parking pass information. I tried to hand her my Honors College application and proof of residency paper work, but those had to go to separate offices.

"I went to the wrong building, not once, but twice!"
"It's easy to find", said my Advisor, as she walked me to the door. "Just go down this wide path to the SSBC building." Of course I walked into the wrong one. I went to the wrong building, not once, but twice! But that's OK. I thought of it as my own little private tour, plus there are some nice little paths on this campus with lovely desert landscaping.

Now you know this aspiring Librarian could not leave campus without a Library card. After dropping my Honors College application on the third floor, I returned to the circulation desk and asked "Do I need my Student ID before I can get my Library card?" 

I had a sneaking suspicion I did, and yes, I did, so out to find the RebelCard office in the Student Union Building. This was cool too, because as I came out of the Lied (pronounced Lead as in Take me to your Leader) Library, I had a view of both buildings at once for the classes I would be taking.

The Student Union has a coffee shop, food court, Wi-Fi, Help Desk and the RebelCard office. The extremely nice and helpful young lady at the Help Desk mapped out how to get to the Multi-Cultural lounge where ANTS (Alliance of Nontraditional Students) meets.

A few short steps from the Help Desk brought me into the small and empty RebelCard office. I made a mental note to take advantage of the Winter Break Ghost Campus. You know for a fact, that most any other time, there will be long lines and waits for services. "Are you a student here" and "Do you have a photo ID?" were the only questions I needed to answer to have my picture taken and my RebelCard generated. 

Card in hand, humming I've Got a Golden Ticket, of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory fame, I went back to the Library. 

"Did you get your ID?" the nice young man at the circulation desk asked. (I know, I have been using "nice" to describe everyone I encountered, but they all really were!) And what does he say when I hand him my card? "Oh, nice" I smiled at his polite comment. Photo ID's and me make a lousy pair.

"So, I can use this to access all of UNLV's online databases for research and book reservations now?" "You're all set" he answered, and added, "You will also need it to make copies and print from the computers or your laptop."

As I turned to leave, I looked out and up and marveled. I now have access to every knowledge-filled floor; five floors of books and media references and research and more. There's even an entire floor dedicated to the UNLV Special Collections. I guess I really do have a Golden Ticket after all.

Lied Library
UNLV Main Campus Photo Gallery by UNLV Photo Services

Sunday, August 8, 2010

This Blog Has a Bad Case of TMI

Too Much Information! That's what this Blog keeps getting. But I get so excited about all I've learned that I want to share it all with you. Doing this makes for a complicated 'Link Farm' where I ask you to follow the Blue Link Information Highway. Enough Already!

After four weeks in PBWorks Summer Camp (another week for tweaking and one for vacation - Yay!) I am now proud to introduce the Perpetual Andragogy Wiki.

Now, the page above is just one page. On this wiki you will find all kinds of resources for the Adult Learner, Career Changer, and a bit of Web 2.0 info. Maybe you, or someone you know, wants to go back to school; go through College by the Letters. Or your Mom, Dad or older friend would like to get online and get with it; send them to Boomers and Beyond.

Know that a wiki is an on going project. As my Professor said "...but when is a wiki ever finished." The very best part about a wiki is that YOU can contribute. Don't know a thing about wikis? Well, this is the perfect one to start on. Come on over, explore the links, try out the "Writer's Start Page" (scroll down on the first page) and request to be a writer. I'll be so glad to see you!

There are several ways to get to the Perpetual Andragogy Wiki. Click on the image above, the link at the top right, or here.

Oh, and one more thing. There are ways to access HELP all over the wiki. Go to the Writer's Start Page and watch the screenr I made for you. Give me feedback on the quick little survey below to let me know if this tutorial was helpful.

See You There! :D

Friday, June 25, 2010

Summertime and the Living is Easy

That's what I thought, anyway, when I decided to take the Summer Semester off. But three months is a long time to "Do Nothing."

Pre-Calculus Workbook For DummiesPre-Calculus For DummiesI realized that it had been a full semester since I had a math class. A higher math is required and that means Pre-Calculus. I had struggled towards the end of my combined Elementary/Intermediate Algebra, so I'm doing a couple of things. First I got out my big ol' math book and just started going through the odd numbered problems (the answers are in the back) in the Intermediate Algebra section.  I also decided to give the For Dummies series a whirl.      

Pre-Calculus For Dummies Pre-Calculus Workbook For Dummies I also got Logic For Dummies because Symbolic Logic sounds daunting!

Overall I like the For Dummies series. They are written towards a specific audience - Us! We get these books because we want to learn more or learn better. My favorite line in the Introduction under Foolish Assumptions of the Pre-Cal is "We can't assume that just because we absolutely love math that you share the same enthusiasm for the subject." A word of warning: There are errors in the Pre-Calculus Workbook for Dummies. Go here to download the Errata. While you are there, you might want to look around to see if there are any corrections for other For Dummies books you may have.

I didn't stop with just the above books either. Remember the Wiki Post? I told you then I would learn more about Wikis and share with you what I've learned in future installments. I just finished the first week's assignment with my Summer Camp for PBWiki. In another three to four weeks I hope to have a Perpetual Andragogy Wiki up and running. There you will find more in-depth information for Adult Learners, Career Changers, and College as a Non-Traditional Student. AND you can contribute also. Want some info now? Go to the PBWorks Support Center. There's a great intro video also.

Now I'm not all work and no play. I'm a big proponent for giving the brain downtime. I give myself permission to "Do Nothing." Dan Bingham's article, Mad Men's Guide to Managing Creative People, gives great perspective on the Do Nothing/Brain Downtime position I advocate. 

I also believe in Field Trips; you know something Outside! I'm hoping to make it to the Hoh Rain Forest in Olympic National Park, WA. We have a  RAIN FOREST ! In the U.S ! I gotta go.