Showing posts with label PTK. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PTK. Show all posts

Friday, May 27, 2011

One Down Three to Go!

I tried, I can't even tell you how many times, to return to college and finish my Degrees. Finally, after  30 years, almost to the day of graduating High School, I have earned my first degree. On Monday, May 23rd, 2011 I was conferred an Associate of Arts with High Honors from the College of Southern Nevada at the Thomas & Mack Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Up to now you have read about the challenges of beginning an Academic Journey. Honestly, I believe the first two years of college is learning about how to learn and how to navigate the college system. Of course, you have to go to class, study and juggle your home and work life also. 

The College of Southern Nevada's 
Class of 2011

Special Thanks to Dustin Rains for the Photos in this Slideshow
I was one among a record number of almost 2,300 CSN Graduates. This graduating class also had a record number of Honor Students. Our Alpha Xi Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa broke a record of it's own.

Under the the leadership of Alpha Xi Beta's President, Dustin Rains, Phi Theta Kappa membership was raised 28%. We earned the highest Pinnacle Award possible, raising the College of Southern Nevada's Alpha Xi Beta Chapter to a Five Star Chapter for the 2010-2011 academic year.  

This is the highest and most prestigious honor possible for the Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society and I am uber proud to have been a part of it. 

Phi Theta Kappa also awarded Club of the Year Photo Susana Buller

As great as these achievements are, 
these accomplishments do not guarantee the ultimate outcome of our degrees. Before the crash of 2008, even an Associate's Degree opened many doors and employment was virtually a given. This, as reported in this Channel 8 News Now broadcast, is no longer the case.

I will continue my education, in pursuit of my ultimate goal of a MLIS, Masters in Library Sciences. My next step in my Adventure as an Adult Learner is my Bachelor's with a Major in English and a Minor in German. I am seriously considering changing my Minor to Spanish to increase my workplace marketability and reserving my German Minor for my Phd. You need two foreign languages for a Doctorate.

Thank You for reading Perpetual Andragogy Adventures of an Adult Learner and sharing my trials, tribulations and triumphs with your friends. Your interest in my Academic journey and your support of education for this Nontraditional Student inspires not only me, but also anybody who has even given the slightest thought to a return to college and the betterment of themselves.

Want to Go Back to College? Start Here!
Start your FAFSA
College by the Letters - I made you a FREE Outline of how to Start your own Academic Adventure
Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society
Phi Theta Kappa Alumni List (I should be the first name you see :D )

Friday, December 24, 2010

Finals and Crashes and Colds, Oh My!

What a year it's been! This last semester really kicked my butt! I had to Audit Pre-Calculus and ended up withdrawing from Symbolic Logic. I fared well in my other classes of Women's Studies, Survey of Communication and Access Database, but I was getting a terrible case of the Sophomore Blues. Was college really for me? 

I buckled down and delved further into my studies and flourished in various activities with my Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. As a member, I received no less than a dozen offers of scholarship from various four year institutions. Because of familial obligations, I like many Adult Learners, am unable to take advantage of these out of state opportunities.

from UNLV 

My acceptance email from UNLV cheered me though with "Congratulations, you're a Rebel now!" I laughed, because that's something my parents always knew. For those of you that don't know, the University of Nevada Las Vegas' mascot is a 'Runnin' Rebel'

The end of every semester always seems to bring its own Gremlins...

...and of course my Windows machine goes down right before my Access final. And no, I hadn't made a back up boot disk. Ah well, what's that they say about hindsight being 20/20? Oh, and a miserable cold had me down during study week. I even missed class, something I never do!

But I survived Yay! I finally decided on my Major - English. Yes, it's what I call a 'soft' major, but I'm good at it. Besides, it's a bridge to my ultimate goal, my Masters in Library Sciences. The only drawback is the required two years of a foreign language. That's OK - I'll give you one guess who's not too shabby at conversational German.

I have an appointment with my Academic Advisor at UNLV on the 3rd of January. I'll let you know how that went and what the Spring Semester entails after the meeting. I'll also put up the link to the photo tour and map of the campus - It is so BIG!

Until then I wish You and Yours the very, very best of the Holiday Season and a Wonderfully Prosperous New Year!

Christmas Card from Mom and Me Angels Baking Cookies

Christmas Card Happy Holidays from the 
Alpha Xi Beta Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa


Things I Think About When I Should be Studying

Windows 7 Recovery Disk/Boot Disk

Transfer to a Four Year Institution

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Just Imagine Everyone in Their Underwear

I was asked to give a Presentation on the Perpetual Andragogy Wiki and Blog for our Alpha Xi Beta Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa. Yes, I was nervous! And of course I had some technical difficulties. A Word of Warning: When you give a Presentation, make sure to have a backup online somewhere, either in your mail or in a dropbox file.

This is not a recording of the Live Presentation. Instead, I made two short Screenrs for you and included the On This Wiki Animoto. As for that underwear thing, uh, that doesn't really work! (click on links below each clip for a larger, better view)

A Word About Phi Theta Kappa and Service Organizations

If you are ever invited to join Phi Theta Kappa, Do So! Some of  the many benefits, include the 5-Star Competitive Edge Program, Scholarly Discussions, and organized events where you can volunteer your time. More about Phi Theta Kappa.

If your college does not have a Phi Theta Kappa Chapter, seek out a club or organization that aligns with your interests. Every scholarship application, job application and, most recently, my  transfer application to UNLV has asked about my community, civic or volunteer activities. Schools and employers don't want people who just have good grades. They want good people that do good things that also happen to get good grades.

Remember, Saturday, October 23rd is National Make a Difference Day. It is also National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Look around your Community for some great opportunities. Here are  these two to get you started.

Make a Difference Day

Susan G. Komen for the Cure

Web 2.0 Links and References

I Need to Brush Up on my Technology
Dynamic Web Applications
Building a Video Podcast Part 1 & Part 2