Showing posts with label CSN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CSN. Show all posts

Monday, November 5, 2012

Because my Professor Heather Bruton took the time

You wouldn't know it by looking at her serene composed photo in meditative Yoga pose, but Professor Bruton was a tough teacher! She was also just what I needed. Having not set foot into a classroom in over 25 years, I was ill prepared for the multifaceted college workload of reading, research, writing, class participation, testing and study.

Professor Bruton, was at that time; a new mother of a biracial baby, newly married, a Doula specializing Yoga instructor and held a Masters in Social Work. I knew all of this because, with strong self-assurance, she used her life as example of what could be done. With Dave Ellis' twelfth edition Becoming a Master Student in hand, Professor Bruton guided the class through the Chapters: Transitions, First Steps, Time, Memory, Reading, Notes, Tests, Thinking, Communicating, Diversity, Money, Health, and What's Next.

*"Instructors are very selfish of your time and attention. When you are in their classrooms, they want your undivided attention and want to use every second to teach you what you need to know."   ~Professor Heather Bruton

Professor Bruton was a prime example of this statement. She packed so much information, instruction, and activity; enmeshing all with her personal life experience, into every session, that I would most times leave the class with my head swimming. New ideas, varying perspectives and questions about questions were all enveloped in an aura of self doubt. "What if I can't make the grade at my age?"

Discovery wheels, visualization, and metacognition all seemed a bit "New-Agey" to me, but I did the assignments anyway. I was determined to get the most out of this class and my tuition dollar. With patient comment on my assignments, Professor Bruton skillfully guided my sometimes detoured path.

A critical essay on bilingual education was my first writing assignment. "Aha! something I can do well with not too much effort." The lack of effort reflected in my grade, a meager 6 out of 10 points. I was crestfallen and on the verge of giving up on college. All I could see was a near failing grade.

Original photo by Kattekrab
I gave it some time. One bad apple of a grade was not going to spoil a whole bushel basket full of dreams I had for my future in both work and academia. I concentrated instead on Professor Bruton's positives of  "Good Beginning/Great Topic" and "Rework this...could be an "A" Paper."

Photo by BuzzFarmers
As I trudged through each assignment, I discovered something. By engaging myself; reading and re-reading a new concept, working and re-working an exercise, using and applying the lessons to fit my life as an Adult Learner, the class got easier. I was less and less afraid to ask for help from Professor Bruton or discuss assignments with both my traditional and nontraditional classmates.

Four years, one Degree and one election later, I find myself still using many of the skills and lessons I learned in Professor Bruton's College Success class. The Master Student Map of Why, What, How and What if, helps me drill down  to core, my research for article and website construction and aids in problem solving.

Of all the lessons learned, outweighing even portion control (pun and duality of meaning totally intended ; ) researched, intelligent voting is the one that sticks with me the most. Every election has me devoting countless hours in research of the issues, political platforms and candidate voting records of bills and legislation that affect my family, work and community. And yes, I did submit a paper Debate Project Election 2008 to Professor Bruton. This once self-doubting nontraditional student finally made the grade.

*This is a not verbatim quote. It's pretty close though. Guess I'd best review Chapter 3 on Memory. ~Kathleen


Ellis, D. Becoming a master student. St. Charles, IL: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2009. Web. <>. 
Ackroyd, K. (2008). "Press "1" for English Bilingual Education versus Total Immersion"
Ackroyd, K. (2008). "Debate Project Election 2008"

Linkedin: Heather Bruton 

Flickr Creative Commons:

College of Southern Nevada 2012-2013 General Catalog and Student Handbook (pdf)

Coyuchi Free Shipping Offer -- $100 Minimum Order -- use code Organic100

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Because my Professor Judy Fightmaster took the time

There would be no Perpetual Andragogy were it not for CSN Professor Judy Fightmaster's patient instruction in her CIT 198 (Now CIT 154) Dynamic Web Applications class. Basic Googling and websurfing did not give me the technical skills of linking to a source, uploading photos, creating and embedding 'How To' videos, or embellishing my blog and site with the rich multimedia I wanted and needed to showcase my nontraditional adventures.  In retrospect, I wish I would have taken the class much sooner than my fifth semester.

The class is entirely online. This was a new experience for me also. Mastering CSN's Web Campus was, initially, a bit daunting. Could clicking a wrong button tumble me down some techno rabbit hole? Would I be forever lost in EduTron Land?

Thankfully, CSN has a tutorial on how to navigate Web Campus. This pre-class gave me the confidence and know how I needed to download and upload assignments and more. Even though I had not fulfilled the prerequisite class of IS 101, I was familiar enough with computers and the internet to request, via email, admission into the class.

The seven week class entailed an introduction and final analysis of Web 2.0 and its real world applications. Five hands on projects taught the use of Google Docs, Blogs, RSS (Really Simple Syndication), YouTube, Social Networking, Social Bookmarking, Wikis, and Screen Capture Casting. The final project, a class Showcase Portfolio, moderated by Professor Fightmaster, encouraged collaborative feedback and edit amongst the students.

Student collaboration and teamwork was not only the overarching theme of the class, it was required. At first I was a tad ruffled by being 'required' to interact with my classmates. I was here to learn to advance my goals, not other people's. Besides, I didn't want to look like That Person who always asked all the dumb questions.

Leave it to Facebook to force my hand. You wouldn't know it by looking at my Facebook Profile today, but the pre 2010 me was afraid of the privacy disregarding Evil Facebook. But, social networking was one of the required class components, so I decided to chance it.

Imagine my surprise when I went to sign up for  Facebook and could only get to the French landing page. At least my first dumb question "I can't find the English facebook page! Je ne parle pas français ce bien!" didn't sound quite so dumb punctuated with a foreign language. Fellow classmate Elaine came to my rescue with a reassuring "Don't worry, little things get us all stuck now and then. Scroll down to the bottom of the page for language choices." This first peer comment foreshadowed the beneficial interactive discussions I would have in this class and many more classes in the future.

Of the five Spring 2010 semester classes; Financial Accounting, Stars and Galaxies, Dynamic Web Applications, Intro to Interpersonal Communications and Intro to Criminal Justice, I would have to say I spent the most time in and on this class. The class was not more difficult than the others I was taking, but it was the most interesting.
"If we know why we are learning and if the reason fits our needs as we perceive them, we will learn quickly and deeply.” —Malcolm Knowles, Educator.
This was not to say that Dynamic Web Applications did not require detailed attention and considerable time. It did! Reading and commenting on other people's blogs and participating in required discussions was time consuming. Professor Fightmaster, led by example. She always commented on every post and answered every question. 

Because my Professor Judy Fightmaster took the time, I can today boast a considerable toolbox of skills which I am able to bring you via two websites with social platform integration, Google tools and YouTube interaction. I can Facebook, Tweet and Pinterest. And I can catalog, curate and archive it all via Flickr and Diigo.

Professor Fightmaster has other classes besides CIT 154. I know because I took the Access Database precertification course from her. It was challenging, to say the least.

For more information and the classes Professor Judy Fightmaster has coming, please visit the College of Southern Nevada's

Department of Computing & Information Technology-Faculty

Related Posts   It's Due When?     Deadlines and Dropboxes     Learning: It's more than the courses you take

Because my Professor took the time: A Compendium of Gratitude

Image Credits: What the Bleep!?Down the Rabbit Hole; Facebook Profile Cover; Facebook; Judy Fightmaster

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Because my Professor took the time: Introduction

As you can see, Perpetual Andragogy has taken a different turn. I have not given up on my ultimate goal of Archivist. Yet I cannot, in good conscience and in our uncertain economy, commit to a full time class schedule and amass more debt. College is expensive!

With a High Honors Associate of Arts degree from the College of Southern Nevada, augmented with professional certifications and self-study courses, why can't I find suitable employment?

The job market, specifically the Las Vegas area, has yet to recover. "Among the 49 metropolitan areas with a Census 200 population of 1 million or more, highest unemployment
Source: via Kathleen on Pinterest
       rates in August were registered in Las Vegas-Paradise, Nev." ( With diluted enthusiasm, I continue my job hunt; despite these dismal statistics. The answer to my question, "would it [returning to college] be worth it?" is "not yet."

But this is a site about Andragogy; the adult learner; the nontraditional student. If I'm not in college, how can I tell you about my Academic Adventures?  While I was taking classes, doing homework, contributing to my community and juggling my home life, I was only able to give you glimpses of life as a nontraditional student. Now that I have a bit more time on my hands, I can now give you an in depth, reflective observation of my Andragogical* Adventures.

 Glad I have only 'a touch of Sometimers'
In the weeks to come I will bring you the series: Because my Professor took the time. Each installment will feature a CSN Professor and the class taken. I will highlight also, the lessons learned and how I use this knowledge in my daily life. Be sure to check the series' static page for links, updates and more information. You are welcome to ask questions or add your own input in the comment section. If you have a question you don't want publicly displayed, feel free to message me on facebook.

*"Andragogical Learning Theory - Beginning in the 1950s Malcolm Knowles developed a new theory - which he called "Andragogy" - in the context of adult learners."
Source: Wikipedia

College Piggy Bank from Tax Credits via Flickr Creative Commons

48154_We have the largest selection of retail ink and toner and it just got larger!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

CSN's IT Training & Development Fair Saturday, September 15 10:00am-3:00pm

Friday, May 27, 2011

One Down Three to Go!

I tried, I can't even tell you how many times, to return to college and finish my Degrees. Finally, after  30 years, almost to the day of graduating High School, I have earned my first degree. On Monday, May 23rd, 2011 I was conferred an Associate of Arts with High Honors from the College of Southern Nevada at the Thomas & Mack Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Up to now you have read about the challenges of beginning an Academic Journey. Honestly, I believe the first two years of college is learning about how to learn and how to navigate the college system. Of course, you have to go to class, study and juggle your home and work life also. 

The College of Southern Nevada's 
Class of 2011

Special Thanks to Dustin Rains for the Photos in this Slideshow
I was one among a record number of almost 2,300 CSN Graduates. This graduating class also had a record number of Honor Students. Our Alpha Xi Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa broke a record of it's own.

Under the the leadership of Alpha Xi Beta's President, Dustin Rains, Phi Theta Kappa membership was raised 28%. We earned the highest Pinnacle Award possible, raising the College of Southern Nevada's Alpha Xi Beta Chapter to a Five Star Chapter for the 2010-2011 academic year.  

This is the highest and most prestigious honor possible for the Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society and I am uber proud to have been a part of it. 

Phi Theta Kappa also awarded Club of the Year Photo Susana Buller

As great as these achievements are, 
these accomplishments do not guarantee the ultimate outcome of our degrees. Before the crash of 2008, even an Associate's Degree opened many doors and employment was virtually a given. This, as reported in this Channel 8 News Now broadcast, is no longer the case.

I will continue my education, in pursuit of my ultimate goal of a MLIS, Masters in Library Sciences. My next step in my Adventure as an Adult Learner is my Bachelor's with a Major in English and a Minor in German. I am seriously considering changing my Minor to Spanish to increase my workplace marketability and reserving my German Minor for my Phd. You need two foreign languages for a Doctorate.

Thank You for reading Perpetual Andragogy Adventures of an Adult Learner and sharing my trials, tribulations and triumphs with your friends. Your interest in my Academic journey and your support of education for this Nontraditional Student inspires not only me, but also anybody who has even given the slightest thought to a return to college and the betterment of themselves.

Want to Go Back to College? Start Here!
Start your FAFSA
College by the Letters - I made you a FREE Outline of how to Start your own Academic Adventure
Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society
Phi Theta Kappa Alumni List (I should be the first name you see :D )

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Where's the Break in My Spring Break?

Ahh, Spring Break. Usually I use this time to catch up on papers and studies, read a book that's not a text, play tourist in Vegas, work in the garden, or check off chores on my home maintenance To-Do List. But not this year. Nope, this Spring Break is different.

Now I don't know why, but UNLV and CSN have different weeks for Spring Break. Maybe some wise educator, way back in the 70's, decided that it wouldn't be such a good idea to turn loose upon the Vegas community all those college kids at one time. So instead of one full week off of school and studies, I get to go to one or the other. Well, that's not so bad. But that's not all I've committed to.

Photo & Quote by Justin J. McAffee, 
President of the CSN Capitol Club  
"At least 1,500 students came to Carson City on March 21st, 2011. A state historian said this was the most people in Carson city since 1903 when Teddy Roosevelt came to town."
While at CSN, I joined and became very active in the Alpha Xi Beta Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa. Joining this wonderful organization and participating in as many Service Opportunities as my schedule would allow made and continues to make a great difference in my life. I've also been involved in the campaign against the looming education cuts in Nevada by spreading the word in every way I can think of. 

Setting and accomplishing my educational goals and becoming more active in my community and its well being are fine endeavors but my ultimate goal is a job I love and enjoy. I've always loved creation in design. I've had a few odd jobs here and there to support my paper and ink habit, but I really needed something more substantial.

What the Garden is supposed to look like
So I got a job. And WOW am I overwhelmed! Not by the job, the job is fine - fast paced and always interesting, it's the hours that I no longer have for watching my favorite show, reading my magazines, or working in the garden. And that last one, working in the garden, or rather, not working, is a double whammy. Preparation and planting is behind schedule and I keep getting that look from my Mom. That one that says "when are you going to have time for me?" I feel so guilty!

This is just one story. There are millions more. Many Adult Learners are members of the sandwich generation. They have to care for their children and their aging parents simultaneously, hold down a job, keep up with their social and community commitments AND have three hours of study set aside for each credit hour taken. Oh, and they have to go to class also, so figure in commuting and the time spent in class.

There are only 168 hours in a week. Where can it all possibly fit? In order for me to organize and schedule my life, first I had to know where my time is going. 

Most every Freelancer uses time tracking software of some sort. The best I've found is Paymo. It comes with a downloadable widget that I can desktop in and out of, set up my projects, and add tasks as I go.

So I tried a little experiment of sorts. I added my time spent on school, activities, work, the garden and things that need done around the house. Just please don't tell Mom I added her as a project. I don't think she would ever forgive me.

When I charted it out, I was astounded!

The orange and blue is my new job, the yucky green is my studies, and then there's all the rest. I need to find some balance or my grades will slip and I've worked far too hard to get this far. 

Now, I don't know exactly the steps I will take to manage this all a bit better, (I'll experiment and keep you posted) but I do know one thing. By tracking it and having a visual representation, I have taken the first step.

Do you know where your time is going? Have you found ways to juggle your home life, work schedule and college studies? If so, I'd love to hear from you. Well I'm off to get some work done. (notice the post time on this?)

Coyuchi Free Shipping Offer -- $100 Minimum Order -- use code Organic100

Join the “We are One, Respect Our Rights” action to demand a reasonable solution to the state budget crisis!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Happy Birthday Perpetual Andragogy! with a revisit to Why Go Back to School Now?

I can't believe it's been a Year already! Thank You for reading what I have to say as an Adult Learner and taking this wonderful journey through the World of Academia with me. Your words of encouragement, with your public and private comments, only reinforces  my decision.

Looking back on this first post, I see I have strayed from my original plan of drawing correlations between Knowles' principles of the Adult Learner and my real world application through experience. I believe I still have the spirit of this theme though. 

 CSN (my first college) is almost as old as I am.

Have you, or someone you know considered a return to college? If yes and you don't know where to start, hop on over to the wiki. (just click the blue wiki button at the top right) It's not too late and no one is ever too old. Heck I'm (darn, those number keys aren't working) but let's suffice it to say my first concert (age 4) was Paul Revere and the Raiders. How's that for a flashback?   

Thank You again for reading. I am having great fun! I just love adding all this Scholarly information to my life experience. It feels right; that it should be this way. If you have any questions about college as an Adult Learner, drop me a line at

I'm claiming bragging rights for coolest college commute!
This is on the way home from UNLV

Why Go Back to College Now?

I wanted to be a Librarian, but when I looked at the qualifications, it required a Bachelor's Degree. (actually a Master's, but more on that later.) OK, but where to start and would it be worth it? 

The Chetham Library was founded in 1653 and is the oldest known Library in the English speaking World. Photo used with permission granted by Darby Sawchuck. Be sure to visit this wonderful Photographer.

After much research and positive self-talk, I mustered the courage and enrolled. I started slowly, with only a couple of classes, just to get my feet wet. At orientation I learned of a course called College Success. It was recommended for Freshman and Nontraditional Students.

Returning to college after 25 years well qualified me for  Nontraditional student status. Out with the math class, in with the College Success class. I added The History of Rock and Roll. "You can actually get credit for that?" I marveled, 
"Sign me up!"

What's That Sound?: An Introduction to Rock and Its History (Second Edition) That was in the Fall of 2008. It is now Spring Semester of 2010 and forty class hours later. Along the way, I have learned something about myself. I don't learn the same way my younger traditional classmates do. With experience comes different ways to think about problems or theory set forth in standard curriculum. I ask more questions, hoping I am not dominating the discussion, and look for more interactions and applications of what is being presented.

I knew there had to be others like me, or somebody must have addressed this aspect of education. A bit of research later brought me to Malcolm S. Knowles and his theory of Andragogy. In his chart, Andragogy in Practice, I found the Six Core Adult Learning Principles. 

The Adult Learner, Sixth Edition: The Definitive Classic in Adult Education and Human Resource DevelopmentProfessor Knowles and his contemporaries wrote this from the outside looking in. I have the great benefit of writing from the perspective of an Adult Learner in Action. In future Blogs I will share a learning experience, draw correlations between the experience and one or more of Professor Knowles' principles, then relate it to you in what I hope will be an informative and entertaining style.

Until then, I leave you with this.

 Hernry Latham Doherty from the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory 

Get over the idea that only children should spend their time in study. 
Be a student so long as you still have something to learn, and this will mean all your life.  

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I've Got a Golden Ticket

Well, not really. However, the nice young lady at the RebelCard office told me that, amongst other things, my RebelCard (UNLV Student ID) grants me a free ticket to UNLV sporting events. Free! Wow, what event do I want to go to first and how does the UNLV fight song go again? But, I'm getting ahead of myself.

I had spent the previous night making sure that I had all my paperwork together for my required meeting with my Academic Advisor. I had checked and re-checked my student account, activated my RebelMail, made copies of immunization records,
"...going to college and taking the classes isn't the hard part, the paperwork is."
class schedules for two colleges, put the finishing touches on my Department of English Degree Requirement Evaluation Sheet and highlighted Building number 34 on an 89 numbered building map. You know, going to college and taking the classes isn't the hard part, the paperwork is.

I wasn't too worried about getting there, it's an under half-hour commute through city traffic, until I woke up to this.

I know, I know, some of you are laughing and saying "Aw, that's nothing" but you don't know Vegas drivers! Hot & Sunnythe Las Vegas weather motto, has spoiled us. More thought and expense goes into car air conditioning than serviceable wiper blades. I allowed an extra twenty minutes for the drive and extracted a warm winter coat with a hood from a forgotten corner in my closet. 

Traffic wasn't too bad. I only saw one fender bender and drivers were more cautious than annoying. I easily found metered parking with a two-hour limit right across from the bookstore. I knew parking wouldn't be this easy for long.

Now, to get my bearings.

 I guess the print is so small because the campus is so big!

Found it!

The Office was void of traffic and I got in early. "You have been admitted under Liberal-Arts General, but we can't make that your major" my Advisor told me. I showed her my Degree Worksheet with the English Major/German Minor and asked about the second fine arts requirement.

NSHE (Nevada System of Higher Education) requires three credit hours of fine arts. COLA (College of Liberal Arts) requires an additional three for its program. I found myself wondering if I could sandwich a Pilates class in between lectures to give my mind time to 'digest'.

The meeting only lasted about twenty minutes. I was given advice on summer sessions; three terms, the first being only five weeks, where to obtain my RebelCard, and how to find the online parking pass information. I tried to hand her my Honors College application and proof of residency paper work, but those had to go to separate offices.

"I went to the wrong building, not once, but twice!"
"It's easy to find", said my Advisor, as she walked me to the door. "Just go down this wide path to the SSBC building." Of course I walked into the wrong one. I went to the wrong building, not once, but twice! But that's OK. I thought of it as my own little private tour, plus there are some nice little paths on this campus with lovely desert landscaping.

Now you know this aspiring Librarian could not leave campus without a Library card. After dropping my Honors College application on the third floor, I returned to the circulation desk and asked "Do I need my Student ID before I can get my Library card?" 

I had a sneaking suspicion I did, and yes, I did, so out to find the RebelCard office in the Student Union Building. This was cool too, because as I came out of the Lied (pronounced Lead as in Take me to your Leader) Library, I had a view of both buildings at once for the classes I would be taking.

The Student Union has a coffee shop, food court, Wi-Fi, Help Desk and the RebelCard office. The extremely nice and helpful young lady at the Help Desk mapped out how to get to the Multi-Cultural lounge where ANTS (Alliance of Nontraditional Students) meets.

A few short steps from the Help Desk brought me into the small and empty RebelCard office. I made a mental note to take advantage of the Winter Break Ghost Campus. You know for a fact, that most any other time, there will be long lines and waits for services. "Are you a student here" and "Do you have a photo ID?" were the only questions I needed to answer to have my picture taken and my RebelCard generated. 

Card in hand, humming I've Got a Golden Ticket, of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory fame, I went back to the Library. 

"Did you get your ID?" the nice young man at the circulation desk asked. (I know, I have been using "nice" to describe everyone I encountered, but they all really were!) And what does he say when I hand him my card? "Oh, nice" I smiled at his polite comment. Photo ID's and me make a lousy pair.

"So, I can use this to access all of UNLV's online databases for research and book reservations now?" "You're all set" he answered, and added, "You will also need it to make copies and print from the computers or your laptop."

As I turned to leave, I looked out and up and marveled. I now have access to every knowledge-filled floor; five floors of books and media references and research and more. There's even an entire floor dedicated to the UNLV Special Collections. I guess I really do have a Golden Ticket after all.

Lied Library
UNLV Main Campus Photo Gallery by UNLV Photo Services

Friday, December 24, 2010

Finals and Crashes and Colds, Oh My!

What a year it's been! This last semester really kicked my butt! I had to Audit Pre-Calculus and ended up withdrawing from Symbolic Logic. I fared well in my other classes of Women's Studies, Survey of Communication and Access Database, but I was getting a terrible case of the Sophomore Blues. Was college really for me? 

I buckled down and delved further into my studies and flourished in various activities with my Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. As a member, I received no less than a dozen offers of scholarship from various four year institutions. Because of familial obligations, I like many Adult Learners, am unable to take advantage of these out of state opportunities.

from UNLV 

My acceptance email from UNLV cheered me though with "Congratulations, you're a Rebel now!" I laughed, because that's something my parents always knew. For those of you that don't know, the University of Nevada Las Vegas' mascot is a 'Runnin' Rebel'

The end of every semester always seems to bring its own Gremlins...

...and of course my Windows machine goes down right before my Access final. And no, I hadn't made a back up boot disk. Ah well, what's that they say about hindsight being 20/20? Oh, and a miserable cold had me down during study week. I even missed class, something I never do!

But I survived Yay! I finally decided on my Major - English. Yes, it's what I call a 'soft' major, but I'm good at it. Besides, it's a bridge to my ultimate goal, my Masters in Library Sciences. The only drawback is the required two years of a foreign language. That's OK - I'll give you one guess who's not too shabby at conversational German.

I have an appointment with my Academic Advisor at UNLV on the 3rd of January. I'll let you know how that went and what the Spring Semester entails after the meeting. I'll also put up the link to the photo tour and map of the campus - It is so BIG!

Until then I wish You and Yours the very, very best of the Holiday Season and a Wonderfully Prosperous New Year!

Christmas Card from Mom and Me Angels Baking Cookies

Christmas Card Happy Holidays from the 
Alpha Xi Beta Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa


Things I Think About When I Should be Studying

Windows 7 Recovery Disk/Boot Disk

Transfer to a Four Year Institution