Showing posts with label OOH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OOH. Show all posts

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Just Imagine Everyone in Their Underwear

I was asked to give a Presentation on the Perpetual Andragogy Wiki and Blog for our Alpha Xi Beta Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa. Yes, I was nervous! And of course I had some technical difficulties. A Word of Warning: When you give a Presentation, make sure to have a backup online somewhere, either in your mail or in a dropbox file.

This is not a recording of the Live Presentation. Instead, I made two short Screenrs for you and included the On This Wiki Animoto. As for that underwear thing, uh, that doesn't really work! (click on links below each clip for a larger, better view)

A Word About Phi Theta Kappa and Service Organizations

If you are ever invited to join Phi Theta Kappa, Do So! Some of  the many benefits, include the 5-Star Competitive Edge Program, Scholarly Discussions, and organized events where you can volunteer your time. More about Phi Theta Kappa.

If your college does not have a Phi Theta Kappa Chapter, seek out a club or organization that aligns with your interests. Every scholarship application, job application and, most recently, my  transfer application to UNLV has asked about my community, civic or volunteer activities. Schools and employers don't want people who just have good grades. They want good people that do good things that also happen to get good grades.

Remember, Saturday, October 23rd is National Make a Difference Day. It is also National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Look around your Community for some great opportunities. Here are  these two to get you started.

Make a Difference Day

Susan G. Komen for the Cure

Web 2.0 Links and References

I Need to Brush Up on my Technology
Dynamic Web Applications
Building a Video Podcast Part 1 & Part 2

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I Want the T-Shirt Dammit!

I'm sure you're familiar with that old saying, "Been there, done  that, got the T-Shirt" but that's not the one I wanted.
WARNING BEWARE OF THE FEMALE ENGINEER Youth T-Shirt (for Kids) Various Colors Available

This is the one I wanted. (Actually, the one I wanted said "Yesterday I couldn't spell eguneer, today I are one" but I couldn't find it)

When I had finally made the decision to return to college, I, like most purpose driven Adult Learners, had a specific goal in mind. Mine was a Degree in Social Informatics. These words, “Social informatics researchers are specially interested in developing reliable knowledge about information technology and social change, based on systematic empirical research, to inform both public policy debates and professional practice” (Kling) were my inspiration.

Informatics is inherently multi-disciplinary; perfect for my Renaissance Soul leanings. You can't just get a degree in Informatics without having a particular area of study. Pick a subject, any subject, Informatics applies.

Some of the more popular Informatics programs are in the Healthcare Industry, Environmental Sciences, and of course, Computer and Information Sciences. Perfect, I thought, as a base for a Masters in Library Sciences. And did  I mention that it comes out as an Engineering Degree. (Hence the T-Shirt)

The pursuit of any Degree is the outcome; a job. But you don't want 'just a job' that only puts food on your table; you want a career that both challenges and fulfills. As you pull into your driveway or parking space at the end of the day, you want to think "My work made a difference today." 

Informatics was that Degree for me. With my affinities for any and all informations and an insatiable pursuit of knowledge, what better endeavor than The Keeper of the Scrolls. But I would be The Keeper with new and emerging technology. How cool is that!

Did you notice the "was" in that last paragraph? Don't worry, I'm not quitting college only to make a 7th attempt later. (Did I ever mention that this is my 6th try at college?) Sadly, in spite of the excellent real world skills and knowledge I would gain, in spite of the required, much desired internship, and in spite of guaranteed placement of every Graduate of the UNLV Informatics program - it was eliminated on June 3rd of this year.

Disappointed, bitter, sad? You Betcha! I was darn near inconsolable. Oh, I ranted and raved for a while. My tirade included the economy, the United States Educational System, how Americans compare to the World in Education and advancement, and more. I even lashed out at our President, who told me at the beginning of my college career "Without a workforce trained in math, science, and technology and the other skills of the 21st century, our companies will innovate less, our economy will grow less, and our nation will be less competitive. If we want to outcompete the world tomorrow, we must out-educate the world today" (Obama).

I believed in the President's statement then. I believe in it now. Ultimately the Board of Regents, the economy or the President is not responsible for my education and pursuit of happiness. I am!

"So, watcha gonna do about it?" you may ask. I tell you what I'm gonna do. I am going to research another Degree that lends itself to my interests. And I won't stop there. I will augment my Degree with self-study classes and certificates that will help me achieve my goals. I hear I can do that on this new-fangled-thingy called The Internet.

Everybody Likes a Do Over

Has your program been eliminated? Were you downsized at your job? Are you having a hard time keeping up with the kids and their technological superiority? I have some great Resources for you  in the Perpetual Andragogy Wiki; coming in a short two weeks. In the meantime, here are a couple of springboards for you.

Take a Web 2.0 Class

I took one last semester, and you know what? When you take this class, except for the basics, it will be totally different. Technology's double edged sword: Emergence and Obsolescence. Check out BNET for a great video on Web 2.0 Business Integration.

From My Bookshelf *Note* This is on my To Read Bookshelf. It has great reviews plus don't you just love the title?
                                                              Life's a Bitch and Then You Change Careers: 9 Steps to Get Out of Your Funk and On to Your Future

Hop on The Green Bandwagon.

United States Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics Measuring Green Jobs
Green Careers Guide

Get an Informatics Degree with your cognate. Here is a list of Colleges with Informatics Programs. I hope there is one near you.

Rob Kling Center for Social Informatics ~ Indiana University Bloomington
"Social Informatics overlaps other areas including computer-mediated communication (CMC), information systems, information science, “Internet Research,” and even parts of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)."  (more)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Life Stream

This is my Life Stream ~ I call the Headwaters "Knowledge"

I am now in my fifth semester of classes. In my first semester I only had two classes; "just to get my feet wet." I also took two classes during summer session. It was time to evaluate my goals, do an Academic appraisal of my courses and degrees and further research what the future held for my chosen career as a Librarian.
The Academic Pool I had dipped my feet in felt just fine, so I took the plunge; but not before consulting with a counselor. I told her of my desire to be a Librarian and my interest in Informatics, specifically Social Informatics. My counselor worked up an Articulation Worksheet for a Bachelor of Science in Informatics accompanied by an Articulation Worksheet for  what works out to be an Associates Degree in Public Administration. 

Time now to check out OOH. or the Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2010-2011 edition. The site tells you "the training and education needed, earnings, expected job prospects, what workers do on the job, [and] working conditions." Here I found valuable information on the expected growth of my career as a Librarian and eventually as a Digital Archivist. It is still early enough in my college career to adjust for changes. I would be foolish to invest all this time, money, study and effort only to find no employment options upon graduation.

My Motivation to Learn, Malcolm S. Knowles' sixth principle, envelopes both intrinsic value and personal payoff. Also applicable is principle four, Readiness to Learn as my want of education is life related.  Every class I take, every bit of information I readily absorb or conversely struggle to comprehend, contributes to my future and improves me as a human being. This is my intellectual sauna and mind spa. So, what are you waiting for? Come join me in the Academic Pool.