Showing posts with label Hoh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hoh. Show all posts

Friday, June 25, 2010

Summertime and the Living is Easy

That's what I thought, anyway, when I decided to take the Summer Semester off. But three months is a long time to "Do Nothing."

Pre-Calculus Workbook For DummiesPre-Calculus For DummiesI realized that it had been a full semester since I had a math class. A higher math is required and that means Pre-Calculus. I had struggled towards the end of my combined Elementary/Intermediate Algebra, so I'm doing a couple of things. First I got out my big ol' math book and just started going through the odd numbered problems (the answers are in the back) in the Intermediate Algebra section.  I also decided to give the For Dummies series a whirl.      

Pre-Calculus For Dummies Pre-Calculus Workbook For Dummies I also got Logic For Dummies because Symbolic Logic sounds daunting!

Overall I like the For Dummies series. They are written towards a specific audience - Us! We get these books because we want to learn more or learn better. My favorite line in the Introduction under Foolish Assumptions of the Pre-Cal is "We can't assume that just because we absolutely love math that you share the same enthusiasm for the subject." A word of warning: There are errors in the Pre-Calculus Workbook for Dummies. Go here to download the Errata. While you are there, you might want to look around to see if there are any corrections for other For Dummies books you may have.

I didn't stop with just the above books either. Remember the Wiki Post? I told you then I would learn more about Wikis and share with you what I've learned in future installments. I just finished the first week's assignment with my Summer Camp for PBWiki. In another three to four weeks I hope to have a Perpetual Andragogy Wiki up and running. There you will find more in-depth information for Adult Learners, Career Changers, and College as a Non-Traditional Student. AND you can contribute also. Want some info now? Go to the PBWorks Support Center. There's a great intro video also.

Now I'm not all work and no play. I'm a big proponent for giving the brain downtime. I give myself permission to "Do Nothing." Dan Bingham's article, Mad Men's Guide to Managing Creative People, gives great perspective on the Do Nothing/Brain Downtime position I advocate. 

I also believe in Field Trips; you know something Outside! I'm hoping to make it to the Hoh Rain Forest in Olympic National Park, WA. We have a  RAIN FOREST ! In the U.S ! I gotta go.