Well Hello There!
I've missed you! With assignments pending and Finals looming, I've been pretty busy. A few posts ago I told you about Video Podcasting. Since then, I've found a nifty podcasting program that goes with my Cannon camera. More on that later.
Screencasting is a kind of video podcasting as well. For my next assignment in my Web 2.0 class, Professor Fightmaster introduced us to Jing. What a neat little tool this is! I've created a screencast for you below on Online Campus Courses. Here I'll show you around the online campus. Below my screencast is a link, produced by the fine staff of CSN, that shows how to actually use the dropbox,
There are limitations on what Jing will let me do; one of them is switching from 'microphone in' to another input channel. Please see below for links to any programs you may need to do your own screencasting and captures. So, without further ado: I present my first screencast. (For a Larger view go HERE)
Useful Links