About Me and Perpetual Andragogy

I write Perpetual Andragogy for several reasons. It helps me sort what's what, tackle my fears and overcome them, exercise my writing muscle, and most importantly it helps you, the reader.

If you read Perpetual Andragogy, you are probably considering going back to school as a Nontraditional Student. Perhaps the economy gave you that kick in the pants, motivating you to do something you always wanted to do, not what everybody else wanted you to do.

Whatever your reasons are, I hope you find some of my experiences useful and insightful.  If you have suggestions or questions about a particular aspect of college life for a Nontraditional student, please email me: Kathleen@perpetualandragogy.com 

More from Perpetual Andragogy:
Adventures of an Adult Learner on YouTube
@Perpetualgogy on Twitter

www.ThatDamKat.net Vegas Views as seen through the eyes of an East Fremont Street Local

Creative Commons License
Perpetual Andragogy Adventures of an Adult Learner by Kathleen H. Ackroyd is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. All other logos and trademarks are the property of the respective trademark owners denoted with ® and ™ and/or url link.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at Kathleen@perpetualandragogy.com.